Contra7ivo... Omme ignotum pro magnifico

sexta-feira, outubro 20, 2006

Hoje sinto-me assim...

Acordei, dei por mim numa imensidão de areia e água... olhei para os lados e vi-me repleto do tudo e do agora que mais desejava... Estarei eu a sonhar? Queria acordar, não me deixam, queria sentir-me livre e por mais que grite bem alto so tu ouves e so tu me fazes compreender que tudo é tão vago como um simples pedaço de areia. Queria que o tempo parasse para puder respirar tudo, mas este teima em passar e asfixia-me a cada momento que passa em que o ar não é do teu, em que por mais que o abrace este não me engana. Nunca te sentiste assim? Consegues parar o tempo? ensina-me a respirar...

Sit down, give me your hand
I'm gonna tell you the future
I see you, living happily
With somebody who really suits ya
Someone like me

Stand still.Breath in
Are you listening?

You don't know
Somebody's aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show

Break down. Give me some time
I don't want the fear to confuse ya
Right now, it's so wrong
But maybe it's all in the future with
Someone like you

Stand still. Breath in
Are you listening?

You don't know
Somebody's aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show Mid

Maybe truth, maybe lies
Made me want you
Maybe dumb, maybe wise...?
I don't know

Somebody's aching. Keeping it
all in Somebody won't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show
You don't know Somebody's hurting. Holding it all in
Somebody can't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show
Love show
Letting your love show

Love Show